yahoo_appid = 'LinkHarvester'; // Configuration $columns = 2; $autocheck = 4; // Greater than this number will be auto-checked. // If there is no depth selected, set it to 5 be default if ($depth > 5) { // Do Nothing } else { $depth = 5; } $alreadyfiltered = $depth * 50; $filteredstart = $alreadyfiltered + 100; // Close out the page function done() { echo ''; exit; } // Function to display links with all options and information function show_links ($links) { $count = 0; global $columns, $autocheck, $hostcount, $query; foreach($links as $host => $info) { if (!is_numeric(strpos($info['page']['url'],'http://'))) { $url = 'http://' . $info['page']['url']; } else { $url = $info['page']['url']; } if ($count % $columns == 0) echo " \n"; $count++; $hostcount++; if ($info['links'] > $autocheck) { $checked = ' checked'; } else { $checked = ''; } echo " "; echo "[W] "; echo "[A] "; echo "[G] "; echo "[T] "; echo "[H] "; echo "[D] "; echo "[Y] "; echo "[S] "; echo "[M] "; if ($info['links'] > $autocheck) { echo "" . $host . " "; echo "(" . $info['links'] . ") " . $info['ip'] . "\n"; } else { echo "" . $host . " "; echo "(" . $info['links'] . ") " . $info['ip'] . "\n"; } if (($count % $columns == 0) || ($count == count($edu))) echo " \n"; } } ?> Yahoo Backlink Information

Link Harvester is a free open source link analysis tool from Link Harvester returns:

URL (ex.
Link Type:
Query Depth:
result_num = 1; if ($engine == 'msn') { $gamy->query = 'linkdomain:' . $domain[host]; $gamy->search_msn(); $totaldomainresults = $gamy->totals['msn']; $gamy->query = 'http://' . $domain[host]; $gamy->search_msn(); $totalpagesindexed = $gamy->totals['msn']; $gamy->query = 'link:http://' . $domain[host]; $gamy->search_msn(); $totalhomeresults = $gamy->totals['msn']; } else { $gamy->query = 'linkdomain:' . $domain[host]; $gamy->search_yahoo(); $totaldomainresults = $gamy->totals['yahoo']; $gamy->query = 'http://' . $domain[host]; $gamy->search_yahoo(); $totalpagesindexed = $gamy->totals['yahoo']; $gamy->query = 'link:http://' . $domain[host]; $gamy->search_yahoo(); $totalhomeresults = $gamy->totals['yahoo']; } if ($linktype == 'link') { $gamy->query = 'link:http://' . $domain[host]; } elseif ($linktype == 'domain') { $gamy->query = 'linkdomain:' . $domain[host]; } elseif ($linktype == 'deep') { $gamy->query = 'linkdomain:' . $domain[host] . ' -link:http://' . $domain[host] . ' -link:http://' . str_replace('www.','',$domain[host]); } $filtered_sites = array(); $filtered_cblocks = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $filteredstart; $i++) { if (isset($_GET['x'.$i])) { $site = str_replace('www.','',$_GET['x'.$i]); $gamy->exclude_site($site); array_push($filtered_sites,$site); $cblock = substr(gethostbyname($site),0,strrpos(gethostbyname($site),'.')); $filtered_cblocks[$cblock]++; } } $manual_sites = explode("\n",$manual_filter); foreach ($manual_sites AS $site) { if (strlen($site) > 1) { $gamy->exclude_site($site); array_push($filtered_sites,$site); $cblock = substr(gethostbyname($site),0,strrpos(gethostbyname($site),'.')); $filtered_cblocks[$cblock]++; } } echo "

"; $gamy->result_num = $depth * 50; if ($engine == 'yahoo') { $gamy->search_yahoo(); $totalresults = $gamy->totals['yahoo']; } elseif ($engine == 'both') { $gamy->search_msn(); $gamy->search_yahoo(); $totalresults = $gamy->totals['msn']; $totalresults += $gamy->totals['yahoo']; } else { $gamy->search_msn(); $totalresults = $gamy->totals['msn']; } foreach($gamy->search_results AS $value) { $parsed = parse_url('http://' . $value['url']); $host = $parsed['host']; if ((substr($host,-4,4) == '.edu') || (substr($host,-7,4) == '.edu') || (substr($host,-6,6) == '')) { $edu[$host]['links']++; if ($edu[$host]['page'] == '') $edu[$host]['page'] = $value; if ($edu[$host]['ip'] == '') $edu[$host]['ip'] = gethostbyname($host); $cblock = substr($edu[$host]['ip'],0,strrpos($edu[$host]['ip'],'.')); $edu_cblocks[$cblock]++; } else if ((substr($host,-4,4) == '.gov') || (substr($host,-7,4) == '.gov') || (substr($host,-4,4) == '.mil') || (substr($host,-7,4) == '.mil')) { $gov[$host]['links']++; if ($gov[$host]['page'] == '') $gov[$host]['page'] = $value; if ($gov[$host]['ip'] == '') $gov[$host]['ip'] = gethostbyname($host); $cblock = substr($gov[$host]['ip'],0,strrpos($gov[$host]['ip'],'.')); $gov_cblocks[$cblock]++; } else { $def[$host]['links']++; if ($def[$host]['page'] == '') $def[$host]['page'] = $value; if ($def[$host]['ip'] == '') $def[$host]['ip'] = gethostbyname($host); $cblock = substr($def[$host]['ip'],0,strrpos($def[$host]['ip'],'.')); $def_cblocks[$cblock]++; } } echo "Enter sitenames you want to filter:
\n"; echo "
Showing "; echo count($edu) + count($gov) + count($def) . " unique domains from the first $alreadyfiltered results of $totalresults total results
\n"; $deeplinks = $totaldomainresults - $totalhomeresults; if ($totaldomainresults > 0) $deeplinkpercentage = round($deeplinks / $totaldomainresults * 100); else $deeplinkpercentage = 0; ?>
"; echo "Links To Homepage: " . $totalhomeresults . "
"; echo "
"; echo "Pages Indexed: " . $totalpagesindexed . "
"; echo "Deep Link Percentage: " . $deeplinkpercentage . "%
"; ?>

= 1) { $count = 0; echo "" . count($filtered_sites) . " Filtered Sites with " . count($filtered_cblocks) . " Unique C Block Addresses
\n"; foreach($filtered_sites as $site) { if ($count % $columns == 0) echo " \n"; $count++; echo " \n"; $alreadyfiltered++; if ($count % $columns == 0) echo " \n"; } echo "
"; echo "[W] "; echo "[A] "; echo "[H] "; echo "[D] "; echo "[Y] "; echo "[S] "; echo "[M] "; echo "" . $site . " "; echo gethostbyname($site) . "
\n"; } if ($edu){ echo "" . count($edu) . " Unique Educational Domains (*.edu) with " . count($edu_cblocks) . " Unique C Block Addresses
\n"; show_links($edu); echo "
\n"; } if ($gov){ echo "" . count($gov) . " Unique Goverment Domains (*.gov, *.mil) with " . count($gov_cblocks) . " Unique C Block Addresses
\n"; show_links($gov); echo "
\n"; } if ($def) { echo "" . count($def) . " Unique Commerical Domains (*.com, *.net, etc) with " . count($def_cblocks) . " Unique C Block Addresses
\n"; show_links($def); echo "