SEO for Firefox
Please visit this page to install SEO for Firefox.
Set up your free SEO Book account, and you will get this tool + 2 other SEO tools valued at over $300 for free. Already have an account? Log in and your installation link will appear in the place of this message.
Why Do Over 500,000 Webmasters Use SEO for Firefox?
Want to know why Google or Yahoo! ranks pages? If so this is the Firefox extension for you. SEO for Firefox pulls in many useful marketing data points to make it easy get a holistic view of the competitive landscape of a market directly in the search results.
Want to learn more? Watch this video and/or read on.
Download & Installation Instructions
- While our extensions were originally created for the Firefox web browser around a decade ago (and survived about a decade of browser updates by being frequently updated over the years), the Firefox 57 update killed any extension using toolbars. Thus we now recommend using Waterfox for continued extension use.
- install the Waterfox web browser & add our extensions to it
- once the browser is installed come back to this page using Waterfox
- our extensions were originally created for Firefox, but after Firefox lost marketshare to Chrome they stopped supporting toolbars & their old extension framework, which is still supported by Waterfox
- install the Waterfox web browser & add our extensions to it
Download Now!
- If the Software Installation window is visible click Install Now.
- If not, then:
- As a final step, restart Firefox. If you want to install all 3 tools before restarting Firefox then that works too. :)
After installation is complete, restart Firefox, then search Yahoo! or Google to verify this extension is working for you.
Off the start PageRank is the only thing that is automatically pulled into the SERPs. After you install SEO for Firefox and restart your browser you may want to configure the extension settings to pull in other useful data.
The Theory...
I like to just be able to glance at something and see if it is worth doing or not. Over time in the SEO game you sorta learn a feel for estimating keywords and markets, but it is helpful to have a few additional data points, especially if you are new to the market.
This tool was designed to add more data to Google and Yahoo! to make it easier to evaluate the value and competitive nature of a market. SEO for Firefox pulls in many useful marketing data points to make it easy get a more holistic view of the competitive landscape of a market right from the search results. In addition to pulling in useful marketing data this tool also provides links to the data sources so you can dig deeper into the data.
First Things First:
If you are casually surfing please turn this extension off. Only turn it on if you are actively researching a market.
In the status bar at the bottom of Firefox you can click the SEO for Firefox logo to turn it on or off.
If it is colorful it is on.
If it is gray it is off.
This extension also has courtesy settings which allow you to ping search engines for data at a slow rate. You probably want to set the delay to at least 1 or more seconds. If you set it at 0 do not be surprised if some of the engines at least temporarily block you for scraping data.
SEO for Firefox Extension Features:
Pulls useful market research data right into Google's and Yahoo!'s search results, including the following data near each search result.
- PR: (Google PageRank) an estimated measure of global link authority
- Age: age pulled from, shows the first time a page was indexed by's spider. The theory is that if found a page so did many of the major search engines.
- Links: (Yahoo! linkdomain) shows a rough estimate of the total number of links pointing at a domain
- .edu Link: (Yahoo! .edu linkdomain ) shows a rough estimate of the total number of .edu links pointing at a domain
- .edu Page Link: (Yahoo! .edu link ) shows a rough estimate of the total number of .edu links pointing at a specific page
- .gov Link: (Yahoo! .gov linkdomain ) shows a rough estimate of the total number of .gov links pointing at a domain
- Page Links: (Yahoo! link) shows a rough estimate of the total number of links pointing at a page
- number of times a URL has been bookmarked on Heavily skewed toward techy / Web 2.0 stuff.
- Technorati: an estimate of the total number of links to a site from blogs
- Alexa: rank based on website traffic . Heavily skewed toward internet marketing and webmaster related resources.
- Cached: (Google site:) shows how many pages from a site are indexed in Google
- dmoz: searches the Google Directory to count the total number of pages from a site that are listed in DMOZ, and the total number of pages listed in DMOZ that reference that URL.
- Bloglines: shows you how many people are subscribed to a particular blog via Bloglines.
- is a site listed in the Yahoo! Directory or not.
- WhoIs: makes it easy to look up the whois data for any site.
One Plug in With More Data, Easier Access :)
In addition to pulling in this valuable marketing data this tool links to the resources where the data was pulled from, so it makes it easy for you to verify the data and further analyze it by citing the source. You can click on any of the data points to dig deeper.
You can chose which of the links you want to appear, and they will appear in the organic search results under each listing, likeso
This tool also links to a couple cool keyword research tools near the top of the search results, including:
- Google Trends - shows historical search volume trends
- SEO Book Keyword Research Tool - cross references many popular keyword research tools
- Overture View Bid - shows Yahoo!'s top bid prices for a particular keyword
- Google Traffic Estimator - shows top bid estimates and click volume estimates associated with Google AdWords.
- Google Keyword Sandbox - Google's keyword research tool
These links are located just below the search box, likeso
SEO for Firefox can be turned on or off globally. In addition, each particular piece of information also has three settings
- Auto - automatically pulls in the data whenever you search Google or Yahoo!
- On-Demand - link to pull in data will be present in search results, but the data will not be automatically pulled in until you click on the associated link
- Hidden - if you do not find a particular data point useful you can remove that data point from the tool output.
By default most of the tool features are in the On-Demand state (not on Auto). This is done to ensure that those who would most likely be abusive users (by not following our usage tips) will be unable to use the tool to its full capability since they would not read these instructions on how to change the settings.
Recommended Settings:
Different data sources are more or less reliable than others.
- Anything that you have on Auto should have at least a 1 second delay.
- I would recommend putting Bloglines, and Technorati on On-Demand (or if you have them on Auto set their delays to 5 seconds).
- will give you 503 service unavailable errors if you ping it too quickly.
- Technorati tends to be quite unreliable.
- was always pretty brutal with how they banned information scrapers on, offering up lifetime bans if they thought you were excessively hogging resources. I am not sure how strict they are with Bloglines.
- Since there are so many Yahoo! data points I would recommend only activating a few of those or setting those to 5 seconds if you have them all on Auto. If you query Yahoo! too quickly I believe they typically ban you for about a half hour or so.
- I would probably put and site age on at least a couple second delay if they are on Auto.
How to Change Your Settings:
- While in Firefox look at the menu across the top of your browser. Click on the tools link.(or hit Alt T)
- From the tools drop down menu click on extensions menu (or hit Alt E)
- Scroll down to the SEO for Firefox extension. Right click on it and left click on options. In the example below I have set to on demand and I set one of the Yahoo! .edu link settings to Hidden
- Hit ok when you have all of the settings set to your preferred setting.
Be a Kind User:
If you are casually surfing please turn this extension off. Only turn it on if you are actively researching a market.
In the status bar at the bottom of Firefox you can click the SEO for Firefox logo to turn it on or off.
If it is colorful it is on.
If it is gray it is off.
Did you lose your status bar in an upgrade to Firefox 4?
Install Status 4 Evar to get it back.
How to Update SEO for Firefox:
This extension also will periodically update when we add new features or to make up for when search engines change their search result footprints. There is no need to reinstall this extension to get it to update. To update this extension
- While in Firefox look at the menu across the top of your browser. Click on the tools link.(or hit Alt T)
- From the tools drop down menu click on extensions menu (or hit Alt E)
- At the bottom of the extension box click the find updates button. If there is an update available for any of your extensions there will be an Update Now button to the right of the extension.
Update Log
I should have made one of these earlier, but...
- Version 2.9 - added SEO X-ray feature
- Version 2 to 2.89 - added traffic estimates, updated it to support Firefox 3, added BOTW, maded each data point sortable, added l00 link to requery the current Google search with 100 results per page.
Possible Future Upgrades:
- A status indicator would be helpful.
- Is it listed in Digg?
- Maybe proxy list checking?
- May create a cache of your stats hosted on your machine such that if you click the back button to go back to the last search the data is still there.
- Will see. Depends on feedback :)
- Leave feedback here.
Other Useful Related Firefox Extensions and Goodies:
Rank Checker is well worth a look. If you want to see SEO data while you surf the web then I also recommend downloading the SEO Toolbar. View a list of related useful extensions on our SEO extension page.
Conflicting Extensions:
I have been told that for some people SEO for Firefox does not work well with CustomizeGoogle or Firefox BetterSearch 1.12.
There might also be a few other conflicting extensions. If this extension works on Yahoo! but not Google then check to see if you have some other potentially conflicting extension that is customizing Google. If it works on nothing then throw your computer out the window or read comments left by others here. If you still have questions you can ask them here.
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