Keyword List Cleaner & Number Stripper
Why Create This Tool?
Some keyword sources provide data that is in a format that is hard to use. The goal of this tool is to make it easy to grab a list of keywords from just about any public source, clean it up, and sort it in order of which terms have the greatest potential value.
Step 1: Get a List of Keywords
Grab keywords from any of the following free sources, mix and match if you please :)
- your server logs, analytics services, or webmaster tools accounts
- our keyword tool or other keyword tools
- competitive research tools
- related keyword suggestions from search engines
- there are plenty of other sources if you are creative...see my keyword research tool for links to a few other data sources.
Step 2: Use Our Tool to Clean Up Your List
Our keyword list cleansing tool offers 4 functions:
- make alphanumeric
- strip numbers
- strip bad words (ie: poorly targeted words)
- strip any phrase containing a bad word
In a single pass you can use multiple functions by checking the associated check box.
Make Alphanumeric:
Removes periods, commas, and crazy stuff like @#-*&%.
Strip Numbers:
Removes the numbers 0 through 9 and the - symbol. This removes things like search counts.
Strip Bad Words:
Imagine that you have an artist fan site and do not want to target anyone looking for free or wallpaper. So you run your keyword list through this tool with the word free listed as a bad word. This will remove that word from any keyword phrases, while leaving the rest of the words in those phrases in tact.
Strip Any Phrase Containing a Bad Word:
Imagine that you use a tool like KeyCompete, and it returns some results that are related to your marketplace, but off topic to your niche site. This will trim out any keyword phrases that are far off topic. For example, if you wanted to remove wallpaper triggers from showing your ringtone ads.
Your cleaned up keyword list will display in the box you entered the original keyword list into.
Step 3: Use the Google Traffic Estimator to Find the Most Valuable Words and Phrases
- Log into Google AdWords, then go to the Google Traffic Estimator page.
- Upload your keyword list from our tool, and set the appropriate geographic region.
- Do not enter bid prices. Submit the form.
- If you do not enter bid prices they will return the bid range necessary for that keyword to rank #1 for 85% of search queries.
- Sort the results to show 500 results per page. Sort the results by search volume, bid price, or estimated daily spend to highlight the keywords which Google think are the most valuable.
Alternate Keyword List Cleaner
We recently obtained another keyword list cleaner, and this second one is much like the first...but also has a few advanced filters for:
- matching email lists
- making everything lower case
- removing dupliates
Gain a Competitive Advantage Today
Your top competitors have been investing into their marketing strategy for years.
Now you can know exactly where they rank, pick off their best keywords, and track new opportunities as they emerge.
Explore the ranking profile of your competitors in Google and Bing today using SEMrush.
Enter a competing URL below to quickly gain access to their organic & paid search performance history - for free.
See where they rank & beat them!
- Comprehensive competitive data: research performance across organic search, AdWords, Bing ads, video, display ads, and more.
- Compare Across Channels: use someone's AdWords strategy to drive your SEO growth, or use their SEO strategy to invest in paid search.
- Global footprint: Tracks Google results for 120+ million keywords in many languages across 28 markets
- Historical performance data: going all the way back to last decade, before Panda and Penguin existed, so you can look for historical penalties and other potential ranking issues.
- Risk-free: Free trial & low monthly price.