More SEO & Webmaster Tools
Overview: This section includes links to additional SEO tools and other tools useful to webmasters.
Social Stuff
- Industry conference calendar - keep up to date with the latest happenings in search
- SEO Blogs - there are a wide array of SEO related blogs. Lee Odden has a list of over 400 here.
- SEO Forums - more noisy than blogs, but it doesn't cost anything but time to read
- SEO Glossary - understand all the jargon seasoned SEOs are using on blogs and forums
Technical Tools
- Robots.txt Primer - learn all about robots.txt files.
- Robots.txt Generator - create a robots.txt file.
- Robots.txt Analyzer - analyze your robots.txt file.
- Aweber / Mailchimp / Constant Contact - autoresponder and newsletter management
- Buzzstream / Pitchbox / Boomerang - email outreach tools
- SurveyGizmo / Wufoo / Google Docs forms / Excel forms / PollDaddy - surveys, forms & polls
- .htaccess tips - free information on how to use .htaccess to redirect pages or rewrite URLs
- ISAPI rewrite - URL manipulation tool for Microsoft IIS servers
- Meta Tag Generator - Free tips for creating your meta tag. Offers a javascript tool for generating xhtml compliant meta tags.
- Server Header Checker - check server response
- Spider Test Tool - shows the page size, source code, meta tags, page title, textual copy of the page, keyword breakdown by density (including 2 and 3 word phrases), number of words, number of unique words, and outbound links on a page.
- Google Bookmarklet - This bookmarklet will display Google's search results for a term in a format that’s easier for copying.
- XML Sitemaps - makes free Google sitemaps for sites up to 500 pages in size. Sells a cheap and useful script to build sitemaps for larger site sizes.
- Xenu Link Sleuth - a website crawler tool
- Netpeak Spider - a Xenu alternative.
- Screaming Frog SEO Spider - similar to Xenu Link Sleuth with a lot more features. Free on smaller sites and has a paid premium version.
- Scrapebox - desktop-based web crawling software
- Deep Crawl - hosted crawling solution.
- 80 Legs - web-based crawling service
- Mozenda - web scraping software
Tools from Search Engines & Other Sites Offering a Variety of Great SEO Tools
- Google Webmaster Central - allows you to sign up for Google Sitemaps, shows some crawling errors, and a more complete view of your backlinks.
- Bing webmaster tools - similar to Google's offering, but also provides backlink data for 3rd party websites
- Yandex webmaster tools
- SeoCompany - mostly lists tools from other sites, but lists over 100 of them
- Moz - has about a dozen tools. Some require membership, others do not.
- Internet Marketing Ninjas - has about a dozen and a half free tools.
- Nerdy Data - source code search engine
- The Marketer Toolbox - lists nearly a couple hundred tools.
- Internet Archive - offers the wayback machine to see what a website or page looked like in the past.
- Cookie Search - see what cookies are left by various websites.
Domain Name Related Tools
- Domain Tools - search historical whois data. is a a competing tool.
- NameBio - database of sold domain names with the dates they were sold and the prices they sold at.
- SimilarSales - another domain sale price listing tool like NameBio
- Domcom - SAAS expired name research tool
Other Useful Webmaster Tools
- Adobe Photoshop - image editing software
- BuiltWith - shows how popular various web technologies are relative to one another.
- Camtasia - video making software
- Carbonite - web based desktop backup tool available by subscription
- ClipMate - extend your IE clipboard
- Dreamweaver - HTML editing software with a built in FTP program
- FileZilla - a popular FTP program
- Drupal - a popular CMS & the one that powers
- Firefox - a popular extensible browser
- Firefox Extensions - dress up your browser
- Opera - another popular web browser not owned by any of the major search companies.
- iDevAffiliate - affiliate software which once powered our affiliate program.
- Post Affiliate Pro - another affiliate software solution.
- Macro Express - automate frequently performed tasks
- MXtoolbox - email related tools including a popular blacklist lookup.
- Real Favicon Generator - quickly generate various sized Favicon files for Apple & Android devices.
- Roboform / LastPass / Dashlane - store your passwords
- SnagIt - paid screen capture software
- UptimeRobot - free uptime monitoring tool
- URLOpener - open a list of URLs in new tabs
- Google Docs - like Microsoft Office, but free, collaborative, and web based.
- Snappa - tools for creating social media sharing graphics
- - free open source blogging software
- Themespress - create a Wordpress theme from a regular site design for only $10
Monetization Tools
The general tip here is start off wherever you like doing what you are comfortable with. As you gain experience and leverage move yourself up the value chain and increase your margins.
- Affiliate Programs - too many options to list, but you can start at sites like CJ, Linkshare, ClickBank, Shareasale, and move out from there.
- Google AdSense - Google's contextual ad program
- - another contextual ad company. Here's our review of
- Chitika - another contextual ad company
- NetSeer - another contextual ad company
- Facebook audience network - monetize mobile websites & mobile apps
- Comparison of contextual ad programs (also includes linkes to various affiliate networks, content recommendation services, and so on)
Bonus Earnings Offer
We partnered with to offer you a 10% earning bonus for your first 3 months in their program. When you click this link and sign up today, will add an extra 10%.
Ad Networks
Here's a short list of some of the places one can advertise, though there are hundreds of options available for various businesses in a broad array of categories
- Google AdWords
- Bing Ads
- Amazon Ads
- Yahoo! Stream Ads
- Facebook Ads
- Twitter Ads
- StumbleUpon Paid Discovery
- Outbrain
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