SEO Tools > PPC Tools
Pay Per Click Advertising & Marketing Tools, Coupons, & Reviews
Overview: These are the best affordable competitive analysis tools, and other free tools to help you get more out of your PPC marketing campaigns. Watch our free introduction video to learn more about cost per click advertising programs offered by major search engines.
Paid Competitive Research Tools
- SEMRush - competitive research tool covering both AdWords & organic search results, adding data like keyword value and keyword volume to ranking data. In addition to tracking Google's global search results, they also track Bing & about a dozen different regional / country specific Google result sets. Full SEM Rush review here & we also secured a free 2-week trial code you can use here.
- KeyCompete - shows keywords that competitors are buying
- Keyword Spy - similar to KeyCompete
- SEMPhonic - tracks keyword rankings and provides competitive reporting
- SpyFu - shows terms that competitors are buying or ranking for in the organic search results.
- Trellian Competitive Intelligence - shows keywords that competitors rank for and keywords that send them significant traffic.
Budget Estimation Tools
- Google Traffic Estimator - estimates the number of Google AdWords ad clicks and bid prices for the top ad position. This tool offers quite rough estimates, but should be decent at estimating relative search volume and ad budget requirements.
- CPC ROI Calculator & CPM ROAS Calculator - estimates how much you can profitably pay for your ads
Bulk Keyword Editing Tools
- Google AdWords Editor - Downloadable software for Windows and Mac that allows you to download and edit your AdWords ads. Also has an automated keyword grouper
- Bing Ads Editor - similar to Google's AdWords Editor tool.
- Keyword List Generator - allows you to quickly create large lists of keyword phrases using keywords and modifiers
- Keyword List Cleaner - allows you to quickly create a functional keyword list from most any publicly available keyword source try it now
- Keyword Misspelling Generator - allows you to generate various misspellings of a keyword or phrase to match common typing errors. Useful for creating keyword lists around your most important keywords to bid on.
- Keyword wrapper - wrap your adds in exact and/or phrase match. See also our negative keyword wrapper.
- Big 3 generator - create ads to upload to AdWords, adCenter, and Yahoo! Search Marketing at the same time.
- Optmyzer - a solid AdWords management tool
- Keyword Machine - bulk generator with many geo-local & other list type driven features baked in
- TenScores - ad quality score optimization tool
Bid Management Tools
I have not used all of these, but here are some of the more popular PPC bid management tools on the market, which allow you to bid based on rulesets or tie your bids to conversion metrics.
- Google Conversion Optimizer
- Wordstream
- Adobe AdLens (they acquired Efficient Fronteir in 2011)
- Marin Software
- Kenshoo
- Acquisio
Other Handy Pay Per Click Testing Tools
- A/B Split Test Calculator - makes it easy to test the probably of the accuracy of results from an A/B split test
- AdComparator - multivariable advertisement analysis using the Taguchi Method
- Adskills - provides an online training program for all forms of online advertising
Tools Offered by Search Engines
- Bing Ads Intellegence is a powerful SEM plugin for Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010 & 2013 which is quite remarkable.
- Bing Ads Blog
- Inside AdWords
- Google AdWords Keyword Planner - allows you to plug in a URL and shows you what keywords Google thinks the page should be advertising for
- Google AdWords Learning Center - free videos from Google, but please note some of their built in optimization tools aim to increase their revenue while lowering your ROI.
- Yahoo Search Marketing Workbook [PDF] - older PDF from back when they offered a PPC platform
Related Categories
- keyword research tools - research new keywords to bid on
- competitive research tools - these tools will show you keywords & websites sending traffic to competing websites
- analytics tools - track how well your search marketing campaigns convert
Know Any Other Tools Worth Suggesting?
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