Link Harvester Retired
This tool has been retired.
To see alternative link analysis tools, please view our link tools index page.
Need Help With Link Building?
- If you are a DIY type, we offer a free guide that shares 101 link building tips. If you need training for your inhouse staff we recommend Debra Mastaler.
- If you are scarce on time & want to hire help, we recommend contacting some of the best link builders in the world, like Jim Boykin.
What is Was Link Harvester?
Link harvester was free & fast web based link analysis software. It...
- made sorting out duplicate links from the same site easy, which allowed quick and deeply querying of the Yahoo! or MSN backlink databases.
- did not give anchor text, but gave breakdowns of .edu links and number of c block IP addresses, etc.
Try Link Harvester:
try Link Harvester - web based copy of software
System Requirements:
Since Link Harvester is web based it has no system requirements. Hosts that run Link Harvester must support DOM XML.
- Version 1.0: gives a snapshot of Yahoo! backlinks
- Version 2.0: gives a snapshot of Yahoo! and MSN backlinks
- Version 3.0: allows you to check just inbound deep links
Have any feedback on how to make Link Harvester better? Please email me or mention it here.
Press & Coverage:
- Intial Link Harvester Announcement
- Link Harvester 2.0 Launch
- Link Harvester 3.0 Launch
- Danny Sullivan
- Wolf Howl
- Online Marketing Blog
- ThreadWatch
- seen coverage elsewhere? Please let me know.
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